Course & Club Boat use Registration Web Site Title 1 * First Name 1 * Surname 1 * Email 1 * D.O.B 1 * Address 1 * Address 2 * Address 3 * Post Code * Home Tel. No Mobile Tel. No. * RYA Qualifications Held * Emergency Contact Details :- Name * Emergency Contact Details:-Tel. No. * Emergency Contact Details:-email * Course Start Date if booked * Course Required if booked * Competent Crew Day Skipper Coastal Skipper Other Day Sail Any Medical conditions that could affect sailing/training for any member * Any food Allergies for any member * Food Allergies{summary} Can you Swim 50 meters (Yes/No) * Can you Swim 50 meters (Yes/No) Yes I can Swim 50 M No I can't Swim 50 M No. of years Yacht Sailing experience * No. of days Yacht Sailing in last year * Emergency Contact Doctor:- Name * Emergency Contact Doctor:- Tel No * Your are signing to accept the Island Cruising Club Terms and Conditions. Signature By * Confirmation of Signature * Select to Confirm signature Date (DD/MM/YY) *